Save big when using Bekolite's Comercialite, and our super low loss ballast with optimized waveform.

Hours lighted each day

Working days in a year
kW-h cost Dollars
Maintained illumination ft-candles Light loss by dirt depreciation%
ft by
Bekolite Brand X
Yearly savings
by using Bekolite ballasts
Yearly savings
for each Comercialite
Yearly savings by square foot
Yearly savings
in the installation
This values don't include savings due to ballasts, lamps, labor or loss of production.
The fluorescent fixtures have two lamps for each unit, and HID fixtures have one lamp for each fixture. HID fixtures require less fixtures, lamps and balasts.
The eficiency only considers the downwards component.
The ballast adjustment compensates because of the CWA lamp's depreciation when it achieves its mean life.
The fluorescent ballasts have the same power as the lamps, because with electronic ballasts the lamps work more efficiently (this doesn't happen with HID lamps).
Pulse start metal halide lamps vary much and some lamps might not achieve the same savings. Verify the initial and depreciation to assure proper savings.
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