Welcome to Bekolite
Where to purchase Bekolite® products
Visita Centeno823 - Portal de Granjas México
This is our first incursion into the internet. We feel proud and excited of joining this great new virtual community. We intend, over time to expand and improve this site in order that many of your queries about lighting, in general, and Bekolite, in particular, may be answered.
About Bekolite
- Our products
- Our warranties
- Common features in our products
- Design services
- Accredited Lab for NOM-058-SCFI Fully accredited lab
Bekolite's Products
Luminaries for public lighting for......
- Main and secondary roads
- colonial and traditional architecture areas
- Areas of contemporary design
- industrial and commercial buildings
floodlightingOur newest product
Electrical components
- Ballasts
Photo-control units
Activities and conferences around the world
- Up to date information about relevant activities.
To publish your information, send us a note describing your event.
Bekolite's links to other relevant sites
For further information about our products or the nearest agent to your area, send us a note
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